CIFS Mission

CIFS does this through:
A dedicated e-mail and phone answering service. Maintaining a website providing archives of relevant Australian and overseas news stories, articles, links to help sites, books, news of conferences and videos, links with relevant information.
Holding regular general support meetings throughout the year for families and former members. Organising an annual weekend workshop with qualified counsellors to assist former members in their recovery.
Speakers and educational evenings for members of the public and health professionals. Keeping abreast of clinical research studies undertaken worldwide through conferences, journals and articles. Memberships to ICSA International Cultic Studies Association, Info-Cult Canada , FECRIS European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Sectarianism and through contact with other overseas associations working in these fields.
Recommending action through submissions to Federal and State political bodies when applicable to advocate for improved constitution and laws to protect and prevent harm to citizens from psychological abusive cultic groups and individuals. Providing educational material aimed to bring awareness to young people on how to protect themselves from being recruited into cultic high demand groups or cultic relationships.
International bodies we recognise include:
ICSA USA | FECRIS Europe | InfoCult Canada