Life in ‘The Children Of God’

(Name withheld) I grew up in a utopian seaside town learned to surf and completed a trade as a motor mechanic. I had no sooner completed my trade at the age of 20 when my mother passed away. A sequence of events was put in motion from that point that was to mould my life…

My Encounter With ‘Kenja’

(Name withheld) I wasn’t so much as recruited into a cult. The cult enveloped me. From 1975 to 1976, I saw my father die slowly and painfully. The death of a parent at a young age makes one reflect on life and its meaning. My Encounter With ‘Kenja’ 

Forty years on: reflections on another life 

(Peter Flinn) Like Martin Luther King, I have a dream. A dream in which the current Brethren leadership acknowledges the dreadful damage done to so many individuals and families across the world over 50 years, and opens the door for re-unification, with no strings attached. A dream in which the Exclusive Brethren positively engage with…

Twenty five years on the bridge to OTVII (

(Kevin Mackey ‘Feral’ from) The story of my involvement with the cult of scientology, it spans a quarter of a century where I got most of the way up the bridge and did scores of courses, trained as an auditor and did admin training as well.I hope I show how in this strange environment a…

From Fear to Freedom

(by Peter Black) Taken into ‘The Worldwide Church of God’ at the age of 3 by his believing parents, Peter lived in a cultic world for over 30 years. When he left, he was confronted with a world of unknown technology and a need to re-establish his self-esteem which had been worn down over many…


(Name Withheld) One of my sons was searching for a way to better his life.The numerous Google advertisings says your life will be transformed in 48 hours – on his own sites I saw that people have repeated the same courses – check out his Facebook site one person has done the ‘Prophet Teacher Student…

(John McAlpin) I was born in 1944 in the Exclusive Brethren group (EBs), I was taught their beliefs, lived by their rules, married and had three children while in the group, until they excommunicated me in 1980.Suddenly after 36 years of this way of life, I was kicked out. I knew no other life…. Then…

I had a lightbulb moment 

(Paul Schofield) I was stopped on a street near Central Railway station in Sydney one afternoon. A seemingly friendly guy asked me if I could do a short survey and then he took me for a free personality test. I had plenty of personal flaws and a girl there pointed them out to me and…