Quote of the Day:
'Victims gradually lose their ability to make independent decisions and exercise informed consent.' - Dr Margaret Singer


Retreat for child abuse survivors faces investigation calls
ABC 7.30 Report
Leigh Sales
25 November, 2013
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Former guests and volunteers of a retreat for survivors of childhod sexual abuse are calling for a full and independent investigation of claims into risky and damaging practices there.
LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: Disturbing accusations are being made about a foundation called Heal For Life that runs retreats for child sexual abuse victims in four states of Australia. It was founded by the high-profile former TV and movie casting agent Liz Mullinar. It runs programs for children as young as seven years old, as well as teenagers and adults. Many abuse victims who attend its week-long healing sessions report positive results.
But the problem is that some of those survivors are then recruited as carers themselves, and after just a few days' training, are responsible for looking after others who've been severely traumatised by abuse.
false recovered memories of ritual abuse
Some of those carers have now come forward to 7.30. They complain of inadequate training, routine self-harm, bizarre allegations of a satanic cult and false recovered memories of ritual abuse.
Rebecca Baillie has this exclusive report.
REBECCA BAILLIE, REPORTER: Thousands of child abuse survivors have made this journey over the past 14 years. They come to Heal For Life in the New South Wales Hunter Valley to recover from trauma they suffered as children.
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