Quote of the Day:
'Victims gradually lose their ability to make independent decisions and exercise informed consent.' - Dr Margaret Singer


Featured: 25 years later, two sisters write about the loss of a sister at Waco, Texas......
- 'Hearken O Daughter: Three Sisters from New Zealand Travel to Waco. Only Two Return...' - By Grace J. Adams and Poia Alpha
On April 19 1993, on a remote property called Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, 76 people who were part of the Branch Davidian cult died when their compound caught fire after a 51 day stand off with the FBI. Among the dead was one New Zealander. How did she come to join the group and what events led her to her tragic end?
Hearken O Daughter is written by Grace Adams and Poia Alpha, who were former members of the Branch Davidians and sisters to the New Zealander who died. This is their personal story of their journey in and out of the Branch Davidian cult. Their story begins with a detailed description of the early days with the group, to the dropping of a 'bomb-shell' teaching four years later, and culminating into one man's excessive power and control over the minds of the people.
This narrative is unlike other Branch Davidian accounts. It is highly transparent and intentional in purpose with a recovery section that provides help, hope and healing to individuals, families and communities who have been connected or affected by spiritually abusive groups.
Featured: Carli McConkey's experience with Life Integration Programmes...
- 'The Cult Effect: A True Story of Mind Control in Australia 1996 - 2010' - By Carli McConkey
Carli McConkey was 21 years old when she happened upon New Age guru, Natasha Lakaev, and her personal development company, Life Integration Programmes, at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Sydney, Australia in 1996. What at first appeared professional and promising, became a vehicle for psychological and physical abuse. Over the next thirteen years, Carli lost her freedom ... her mind ... and her family.
This book demonstrates the gradual and insidious process of mind control, gives insights into the period of recovery after escape, and shows how determination and strength can overcome adversity.
Click topic to expand:
- The CultWatcher Handbook (PDF Download)
This booklet is a collection of papers and articles designed to give you an overall idea ofthe identifying marks of a cult , and to impart some strategies should you in some way be affected by an extremist group. |  |
- 'Cults In Our Midst' - By Margaret Thaler Singer PhD.
"In this book I will use the term
cult and cultic group to refer to any one of a large number of groups that have sprung up in our
society and that are similar in the way that they originate, their power structure, and their
governance. Cults range from the relatively benign to those that exercise extraordinary control
over members' lives and use thought-reform processes to influence and control members."
- 'Take Back Your Life' - Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships
by Janja Lalich (Associate Professor of Sociology at California State University) and Madeleine Tobias.
"Must reading for everyone who wants to understand the appeal of cults. This book's wisdom is vital." Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Stanford University
- 'Leaving the Fold' - A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving their Religion
by Marlene Winell
"Leaving the Fold is invaluable to those who have gone through the ordeal of religious addiction, abuse, and disillusionment, and who need a recovery plan. I highly recommend this book not only to the wounded, but also urge all pastors to study it carefully and then re-assess their own ministries. Dr. Marlene Winell has made a most important contribution to deal with the most heart-wrenching of experiences." -Rev. Austin Miles
- 'Battle for the Mind' - By William Sargant.
This book originally published
in the 1950s, with many newer editions and reprints, remains a classic on the topic of
mind control and brainwashing.
- 'The Brain That Changes Itself' - By Norman Doidge, M.D.
"What we have learned .. is that neuroplasticity contributes to both the constrained and unconstrained aspects of our nature" and "it renders our brains not only more resourceful but also more vulnerable to outside influences.".. "certain practices used by cults or in brainwashing, which obey the laws
of neuroplasticity, demonstrate that sometimes individual identities can
be changed in adulthood, even against a person’s will."
- 'Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism'
- By Robert Jay Lifton. A thought-terminating cliché is a commonly used phrase, sometimes passing as folk wisdom, used to quell cognitive dissonance. Though the phrase in and of itself may be valid in certain contexts, its application as a means of dismissing dissent or justifying fallacious logic is what makes it thought-terminating. "Eight Criteria for Thought Reform" are identified as tools of the totalist environment.
- 'Mushroom Satori: The Cult Diary'
- By Joseph Szimhart. This novel ultimately presents a beautifully crafted message—one that will interest any reader who seeks more substance than just another happy ending. Readers will find themselves grieving over the protagonist’s stolen youth even as they sympathize with the young man’s bewildering trek toward adulthood. They will marvel at Szimhart’s uncompromising account of the wild promises and limitations of faith that surround us and Jake alike.
- 'Six Months in Wonderland' - Gail Foster
'"I can heartily recommend this book - I could not put it down. It is extremely well written with great humour, honesty and self-disclosure. There were moments of great hilarity, tenderness, frustration, sadness and in the end love and fulfillment. Gail takes us by the hand and walks us through a life which I am sure many could relate to' M.E. Klitzke Now available on Kindle. |
- 'Releasing The Bonds:
Empowering People to Think for Themselves' - by Steven Hassan.
Hassan is a model of clear exposition,
his original ideas are brilliantly presented in a captivating style. I am confident that readers of his new book,
Releasing the Bonds, will share my enthusiasm for what this author tells us about how to deal with the growing
menace of cults." - Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D.
President of the American Psychological Association 2002 (apa.org) |
- 'Dangerous Persuaders'
- by Louise Samways.
This recently updated Australian book explores methods used by various controlling and abusive groups.
Louise offers practical help and advice to the victims and their families, alerts readers about how approaches are made,
and suggests strategies for avoiding them.
* The book can be downloaded free via
this link * |
- 'Churches that Abuse' - by Dr. Ronald M. Enroth.
"The perversion of power that we see in abusive churches disrupts and divides families, fosters an unhealthy dependence of members on the leadership, and creates, ultimately, spiritual confusion in the lives of victims." The complete book is
available for download via this link
Other book on this topic:
- David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen - 'The Subtle power of Spiritual Abuse'
- Ron & Vicki Burks - 'Damaged Disciples'
- Dr McConnell - 'A Different Gospel'
- Ken Blue - 'Healing Spiritual Abuse'
- Mary Alice Chrnalogar - 'Twisted Scriptures'
- Carol Giambalvo & Herbert L Rosedale editors - 'The Boston Movement' Clinical Perspective on the International Churches of Christ'
- 'Merchants of Deception' - An Insider's Look at the worldwide, systematic conspiracy
of lies - By Eric Scheibeler.
"Scheibeler describes the mental conditioning that
diminished his ability to make critical judgments in the face of overwhelming factual evidence"
- BRUCE A. CRAIG, retired Assistant Attorney General,
Wisconsin Department of Justice - Office of Consumer Protection.
UK Justice Norris found in 2008 that out of an IBO population of 33,000, "only about 90 made
sufficient incomes to cover the costs of actively building their business".
- 'Hearken O Daughter: Three Sisters from New Zealand Travel to Waco. Only Two Return...' - By Grace J. Adams and Poia Alpha
Two sisters tell of their life in the compound with David Koresh.
One sister dies in the firey stand-off that kills 76 people in 1993. Grace and Poia give a transparent account of life in the compound and how they got out. The book also deals with how to recover from such religious fanaticism and abuse. |
- 'Not Without My Sister' - By Juliana Buhring, Celeste Jones, Kristina Jones
"I am pleased to anounce my new book co-writen with my sisters, Celeste Jones and Juliana Burhing.
We were born into The Family - this is our story." ...the true story of three girls violated and betrayed by those they trusted |
- 'Apostles Of Fear: A Church Cult Exposed' - Morag Zwartz
When a whistle blower acted in the Melbourne branch, the ministers and many from a Presbyterian church joined the Brisbane branch - the result was explosive.
Both events fuelled the church's cruiel and relentless drive for perfection, but the cost has been hundreds of people in broken marriages and divided families.
This is the story of a Pentecostal church and its cruel and divisive approach to the Christian gospel. |
- 'Joy & Sorrow: The Story of an Exclusive Brethren Survivor'
- By Joy Nason
"... Growing up in this strict and demanding world of the Exclusive Brethren, her family migrated to Australia in the 1950s. In her early 20s, Joy made the courageous decision to flee her family, knowing that she would be cut off from that moment on. This is an inspirational story for anyone with a family or friend trapped in a similar cult. This book is her testament to a life well lived." From the Foreword by Michael Bachelard, Investigations Editor, The Age (Kindle available.) |
- 'Behind the Exclusive Brethren' - Michael Bachelard
'One of the most sober and well-argued exposés I have ever read … Michael Bachelard reveals the Brethren's God as Mammon, their behaviour as that of schoolyard bullies, and their Christianity all about self-love.' Lucy Sussex (Sunday Age) |
- 'Breakout: How I Escaped From the Exclusive Brethren' - David Tchappat
Most members are so isolated within the sect that they can't even imagine a life on the outside. But not all members can live such a controlled existence. Once David Tchappat had a taste of the real world as a teenager, there was no going back despite the fact he knew he would be cruelly ostracised from his family, friends and the only life he had known. |
- 'Don't Call Me Sister' - Marion Field
The events described... have left an indelible impression on me and others who suffered in the same way. It is sad that a group which originated with such humility and sincerity should have deteriorated in such a way. |
- 'Shut Up Sarah' - Marion Field
'It is an indictment that today, over 10 years later, the Exclusive Brethren continue to be regarded by many as the epitomy of Hypocrisy... the heartless and unChristian way in which they rip families apart in the name of their home-grown legalism' |
- 'The Serpent Rising' - By Mary Garden
"There is no other book that I know of which reveals the addictive nature of the search for spiritual enlightenment better than this one... Mary Garden's book may just stop you from falling into that vortex of group hysteria where discernment and commonsense are discarded in favour of dubious mysticism." Sue Gough, Courier Mail. $8 incl postage - Contact Author.
- 'Fallout' - By Tahlia Newland
Appalled by the lack of ethics, the group undertook a journey of discovery during which they uncovered the depth of the trauma suffered by victims, and the fundamentalism and cult behaviour at the heart of Rigpa. |
- 'Breaking the Spell' - By Jane Stork
Breaking the Spell is Jane Stork's extraordinary life story. Equally moving and disturbing, it chronicles the rise and fall of the religion Rajneeshism and the Rolls Royce guru, and Jane's part in the events that led to its collapse.
After serving time in the US, Jane started a new life in Germany, but soon realised she could never truly be free until she had faced up to the past. With an international arrest warrant hanging over her head, and a son who is gravely ill, Jane finally does so with devastating clarity. |
- 'People in Glass Houses' - By Tania Levin.
People in Glass Houses tells how a small Assemblies of God church in a suburban school hall became a multi-million dollar tax-free enterprise and a powerful force in Australia today. Opening up the world of Christian fundamentalism, this is a powerful, personal and at times very funny exploration of an all singing, all swaying mega church.News Article
- 'Out Of The Cocoon' - Brenda Lee
"Out of the Cocoon is a powerful and touching account of one young woman’s journey to freedom from repression and religious intolerance. I picked it up one evening and couldn’t stop reading until I was finished late that night. It will hold you like a compelling paperback novel and touch you on the deeper levels of spiritual freedom and growth."
— Steve Chandler, author of Reinventing Yourself |
- 'The Cult Effect' - Carli McConkey
This personal recount demonstrates the gradual and insidious process of mind control, gives insights into the period of recovery after escape, and shows how determination and strength can overcome adversity.
- 'Merchants of Deception' - An Insider's Look at the worldwide, systematic conspiracy
of lies - By Eric Scheibeler.
"Scheibeler describes the mental conditioning that
diminished his ability to make critical judgments in the face of overwhelming factual evidence"
- BRUCE A. CRAIG, retired Assistant Attorney General,
Wisconsin Department of Justice - Office of Consumer Protection.
UK Justice Norris found in 2008 that out of an IBO population of 33,000, "only about 90 made
sufficient incomes to cover the costs of actively building their business".
- 'Loyalty To Your Soul'
- a book review By David Christopher Lane, Ph.D. "It is one of the great ironies of the book that the Hulnicks speak repeatedly about transcending ego based actions when their own spiritual teacher has demonstrated nothing of the sort. They write about “not judging” as if making such judgments were a hindrance to a truly liberated life. For instance, the Hulnicks write, “You never did anything wrong but that you judged it as wrong.”
While I can appreciate that on one level this might seem liberating, especially if one is racked by unnecessary guilt, but such a relativistic escape clause can also lead to excusing all sorts of reprehensible behavior"
Download Doc File
- 'Fair Game' - By Steve Cannane
As astonishing as it is compelling - Steve Cannane's extraordinary insight into Scientology in Australia is investigative journalism at its very best. Numerous Australians have held senior posts in the organisation only to fall foul of the top brass and lose their families as a result. Based on years of interviews and research, Walkley Award-winning journalist Steve Cannane tells for the first time the fascinating story of Australia's vital involvement with this powerful, secretive and punitive cult.
- 'Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology' - By Leah Remini
Indoctrinated into the church as a child while living with her mother and sister in New York, Remini eventually moved to Los Angeles, where her dreams of becoming an actress and advancing Scientology’s causes grew increasingly intertwined.
As an adult, she found the success she’d worked so hard for, and with it a prominent place in the hierarchy of celebrity Scientologists alongside people such as Tom Cruise, Scientology’s most high-profile adherent.
Remini spent time directly with Cruise and was included among the guests at his 2006 wedding to Katie Holmes.
But when she began to raise questions about some of the church’s actions, she found herself a target.
- 'Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief' - By Lawrence Wright
Scientology presents itself as a scientific approach to spiritual enlightenment, but its practices have long been shrouded in mystery. Now Lawrence Wright—armed with his investigative talents, years of archival research, and more than two hundred personal interviews with current and former Scientologists—uncovers the inner workings of the church.
The basis for The New HBO Documentary of the same name.
- 'Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape' - By Jenna Miscavige Hill
In this tell-all memoir, Jenna Miscavige Hill, a prominent critic of Scientology who now helps others leave the organization, offers an insider's profile of the beliefs, rituals, and secrets of the religion that has captured the fascination of millions, including some of Hollywood's brightest stars such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
- 'The Church of Fear: Inside The Weird World of Scientology' - By John Sweeney
In this tell-all memoir, Jenna Miscavige Hill, a prominent critic of Scientology who now helps others leave the organization, offers an insider's profile of the beliefs, rituals, and secrets of the religion that has captured the fascination of millions, including some of Hollywood's brightest stars such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta.
- 'Inside Scientology' - By Janet Reitman
"Inside Scientology is an engrossing, groundbreaking work that brings a welcome sense of fair-mindedness to a subject that is, for many journalists and scholars, too hot to touch. Reitman has accomplished the miracle of adding light without heat."- Lawrence Wright
- 'Counterfeit Dreams' - By Jefferson Hawkins
Scientology presents a glittering public façade... It is an image that Jefferson Hawkins helped to craft in his 35 years as a top marketing executive for the Church of Scientology. Yet behind that façade is a hidden world of physical and mental abuse... Counterfeit Dreams is a must-read for anyone who wants to know the truth about today’s most controversial cult. Read online.
New Yorker article.
- 'Scientology: Abuse at the Top' - By Amy Scobee
Amy Scobee tells the eye-opening account of her 27 years inside the Church from innocence at age 14 to her nightmarish experiences in the highest management body at Scientology's secret International Headquarters.
Hear of the abuses she both witnessed and experienced first hand.
- 'Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology, & Suicide' - By Jerry Staton
"I expose Scientology in this country, because to expose it is to kill it. Scientology is one of those monsters of darkness to whom the light of truth is death." - Jerry Staton Jerry Staton is an independent reporter and is also the reporter of the case of adult endangerment mentioned in this article.
- 'My Billion Year Contract' - By Nancy Many
“Nancy Many’s book is the first full-length study to provide insight into how some of Scientology’s techniques and policies may cause or contribute to severe mental health problems among members.”
- Stephen A. Kent
Professor, Department of Sociology, Adjunct Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of Alberta
- 'The Complex' - By John Duignan.
"Writing the book has been a cleansing and often cathartic experience, I can now,
with some considerable relief, leave it all behind me and really start to build a new life." We follow his journey through the
Church and the painful investigation that leads to his eventual realisation that there is something very wrong at Scientology's core.
- 'Blown for Good' - By Marc Headley.
"If you want to leave Scientology ... you will not be able to speak to your mother or your children or you family members again… "
"When you have dozens of people speaking out, it's no longer credible to say they are all malcontents and criminals." - Jeff Hawkins
Marc Headley audio
- 'The Scandal of Scientology' - By Paulette Cooper.
Quote: "Instead of trying to
hide what is going on in their house, they may have to clean it up." "I happened upon the hard-to-find
Scandal of Scientology by Paulette Cooper. Now I was fascinated, and started collecting everything
I could get my eager hands on - magazine articles, newspaper clippings, government files, anything." - Jon Atack
Amazon | html
- 'Bare-Faced Messiah' - By Russell Miller.
Quote: "Writing for a penny a word is
ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million
dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion".
"... I have reached the conclusion that this application is both mischievous and
misconceived and must be dismissed." - Justice Vinelott on legal action prior to publication.
- 'Let's sell these people A Piece of Blue Sky: Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology' - By Jon Atack.
Let’s sell these people a Piece of Blue Sky: the new, unexpurgated, unabridged version of the classic history of
L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. Exposing Hubbard’s false claims to be a war hero, a nuclear physicist,
an explorer and a protégé of Eastern gurus, and showing the true malevolence of Scientology.
“Invaluable for its history and insight into the character of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.”
New unabridged unexpurgated 2015 edition.
- 'The Total Freedom Trap' - By Jon Atack.
Quote: "An enormous amount of documented evidence
demonstrates that Hubbard was not what he claimed to be, and that his subject does not confer the benefits claimed for it.
Using profoundly invasive hypnotic techniques, Scientology has managed to inspire
the at times fanatical devotion of tens of thousands of previously normal and intelligent people."
Amazon | html
- 'L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman' - By Bent Corydon.
Quote: "He used his gift for combining words to exploit something which is
truly sacred: Man's hope and quest for values that are greater than the mundane. His 'magical incantations' were words and symbols; combinations of words like 'Total Freedom,' being designed to entice; and 'Church
of Scientology'; and 'rehabilitation project force,' designed to deceive."
- 'Cartwheels In A Sari - A Memoir of Growing Up Cult' - By Jayanti Tamm.
"A former devotee born into Indian spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy's ministry has written a scathing memoir about her life growing up in the Queens-based religious group.
Jayanti Tamm, 46, an English professor at Ocean County College in New Jersey, chronicles her first 25 years in Chinmoy's group in the book "Cartwheels in a Sari," released this month.
Tamm characterizes the charismatic leader's group as a cult, and documents Chinmoy's "masterful tactics of manipulation."
- New York Daily News
- 'Fractured Families: The Story of a Melbourne Cult' - By Morag Zwartz
"One Sunday evening, close on 65 years ago, in the genteel suburb of Canterbury, an earnest bunch of church men and women gathered in the home of Alan and Frances Neil to share their faith... They could not know they were laying the foundation for a parachurch organisation, which would live on for many decades to come, outlive most of those present, and acquire a reputation as cruelly elitist and sectarian." |
- 'My Brother's Eyes' - By John and David Ayliffe.
My Brother's Eyes tells the true story of a dangerous religious cult that operated in NSW. Called Zion Full Salvation Ministry, the cult began as part of an inner city Anglican Church in Sydney. It was founded by a woman who claimed to have Christ's stigmata and to be the embodiment of God on earth. When the woman died 16 years later, most of the 70-odd congregation had been stripped of their finances and investments and in many cases their self-esteem too. My Brother's Eyes is a troubling story but has a happy ending as it tells the story of the separation of the brothers and their eventual reunion.
S i t e S e a r c h :