Quote of the Day:
'Victims gradually lose their ability to make independent decisions and exercise informed consent.' - Dr Margaret Singer


Law Reform:
Public comment sought on slavery laws
ABC News
November 23, 2011
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The Federal Government is seeking public comment on draft legislation to broaden the crime of slavery and people trafficking. Comments are requested by 13 January 2012.
The bill would create new offences such as forced labour and forced marriage, and would make it a crime for anyone to harbour a victim of trafficking or slavery.
servitude and all forms of deceptive recruiting
Penalties for these crimes would rise and there would be compensation for victims.
It would also extend existing offences to apply to non-sexual servitude and all forms of deceptive recruiting.
The Government used the Fourth National Roundtable on People Trafficking at Parliament House to release the draft legislation for public comment.
Representatives of unions, industry and non-government organisations attending the roundtable welcomed the announcement.
The Government will introduce the bill into Parliament next year.
More information
If you require assistance, please contact the Attorney-General’s Department on (02) 6141 2778.
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