Quote of the Day:
'Victims gradually lose their ability to make independent decisions and exercise informed consent.' - Dr Margaret Singer


'Going Clear' Movie showing at Dendy Newtown June 18th
Dendy Cinemas
June 18th, 2015
Release: 18 June 2015
Directed by Alex Gibney.
Classification: CTC, 120 mins.
Official Site: madman.com.au
Written and directed by Academy AwardŽ winner Alex Gibney and based on the book by Pulitzer Prize winner Lawrence Wright, GOING CLEAR: SCIENTOLOGY AND THE PRISON OF BELIEF is a provocative tale of ego, exploitation and lust for power.
The film profiles eight former members of the Church of Scientology, whose most prominent adherents include A-list Hollywood celebrities, shining a light on how the church cultivates true believers, detailing their experiences and what they are willing to do in the name of religion.
Thu 18 Jun
Click 'Source' above to purchase tickets online.
Disclaimer:This news page is about groups, organizations or movements, which may have been called "cults" and/or "cult-like" in some way, shape or form. But not all groups called either "cults" or "cult-like" are harmful. Instead, they may be benign and generally defined as simply people intensely devoted to a person, place or thing. Therefore, the discussion or mention of a group, organization or person on this page, is not necessarily meant pejoratively. Readers are encouraged to read widely on a topic before forming an opinion. Never accept information from a single source at face value. This website only holds a small amount of information and should not be relied on as a complete source. For example, if you find older information, this should be weighed up against newer information as circumstances can change.
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