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Greens say tax payer money going to Church of Scientology
The New Zealand Herald
Kate Shuttleworth
May 9, 2012



Green's drugs spokesman Kevin Hague has alleged in Parliament that the Church of Scientology is using tax-payer money to promote an anti-psychiatry agenda and messages against medication used to treat mental illness through charities disguised as social service organisations.

Mr Hague said he had watched members of the church on Auckland's Queen Street target vulnerable people.
... targeted vulnerable members in the community


Using parliamentary privilege, Mr Hague said groups affiliated to the church had been able to receive community grants.

"There's a bunch of smiling young people with clipboards who approach people who are going past and invite them to do a personality test," he said in Parliament.

"Those that take the personality test invariably find that the solution to the problem to their personality lies some how with the Church of Scientology."

Mr Hague claimed 30,000 children had received the leaflets from the group.

He said the church was against the use of medicines used to treat mental illness and psychiatry and targeted vulnerable members in the community.

"It is evil to try to dissuade people with mental illness to avoid proper health professional services that they need."

"I don't object to churches providing social services, provided the church is transparent and that the service is not a front for recruiting into the church, but the Church of Scientology fails on both of those fronts."

Mr Hague said that among the groups acting as a front for the Church of Scientology were Drug-Free World, Drug-Free Ambassadors, Commission for Human Rights, Rehabilitate New Zealand and World Literacy Crusade.

He called for the Minister of Internal Affairs to follow through with an investigation promised by the department in February.

Church of Scientology secretary Mark Ferris confirmed Drug-Free Ambassadors and Drug-free Aotearoa were registered charities and had received a $6500 community grant to fund fliers promoting a drug-free life.

Mr Ferris said the groups listed in Parliament by Mr Hague were well-known affiliates of the church.

He said the leaflets were distributed widely and had not targeted children and did not address psychiatric drugs.

He said Mr Hague's comments were not accurate.

"They are stupid, because we are doing something in terms of drug education that no other group is," he said.

Mr Ferris said the church was against the over-use of medication in psychiatry but not against medication overall.

"They are saying that a drug-free life is better than taking drugs," he said.

"We use medical doctors like anyone else. In fact, we have members of in the church who are doctors," he said.



CIFS draws the reader's attention to the original speech by Greens drugs spokesman Mr Hague. This speech is on the public record, and was made in the New Zealand parliament on May 9th 2012 under parliamentary privilege.


15:44:55~KEVIN HAGUE (Green)

KEVIN HAGUE (Green): There is a particular spot on Queen Street in Auckland—or at least there used to be—where a bunch of smiling young people with clipboards accost those who are going past and invite them to participate in a personality test.

I watched for a while and the people they approach are invariably those who are alone, who look perhaps a little vulnerable, who perhaps are particularly Maori and Pacific Island people.

Strangely enough those who take the personality test invariably find that the solution to the problems with their personality lies somehow in the Church of Scientology . More recently, viewers of Maori Television will have seen advertisements for a drug-free world. School pupils—some 230,000 of them—have received leaflets from Drug-Free Ambassadors.

There is a group of family members bereaved by people who have killed themselves who have been befriended by a group called the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. The Foundation for a Drug-Free World, the Drug-Free Ambassadors, and the Citizens Commission for Human Rights are all fronts for the Church of Scientology , as is Criminon, as is Narconon, as is RehabilitateNZ, as is the World Literacy Crusade, and many others.

I am not a person with a religious belief myself, but I do not object to churches providing social services, provided that the church connection is transparent and that the service is not a front for recruiting into the church. It seems to me that the Church of Scientology fails on both those fronts.

As many people will know, scientology was invented by the science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard. There is a lot of dispute about some of the basic facts, but at its heart is the quote from Mr Hubbard at an authors conference in 1948: “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars the best way would be to start his own religion.”

Mr Hubbard’s religion has an evil intergalactic overlord named Xenu, who solved an overpopulation crisis by rounding up aliens, transporting them to Earth , and killing them in extinct volcanoes with hydrogen bombs. Now the souls of those aliens then came to haunt human beings. They are called “thetans”, and the way that the distorted thinking that results from being haunted in this way can be resolved is actually by an expensive process involving audit by a senior Scientologist.

In fact, the Church of Scientology came 4 years after the science of “Dianetics”, also invented by Mr Hubbard—a science of mental health that he described to his publisher as one with tremendous promotional and sales potential.

So why is it a problem? It is a problem because in addition to the repugnance of deceiving, exploiting and often brainwashing and fleecing the vulnerable and desperate, the Church of Scientology also has a very strong opposition to the use of medicines and psychiatry. Its drug-free programmes are smokescreens for this anti-psychiatry agenda.

Members of Parliament will have received this DVD from, in fact, the Church of Scientology in the guise of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. It is called Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child.

It is evil to try to persuade people with mental illness to avoid proper health professional services and the treatment that they need. What is especially concerning is that these programmes are now increasingly being funded by taxpayers’ money through the Community Organisations Grants Scheme and other community grants schemes.

A number of these front organisations are registered with the Charities Commission, and there is increasing evidence that they are being funded.

I say to the Minister of Internal Affairs, please follow through with the investigation promised by the department back in February. The New Zealand public is owed that.


15:49:57~SCOTT SIMPSON (National—Coromandel)

SCOTT SIMPSON (National—Coromandel): One of the most interesting things for me as a new member in this House is the constant, daily discovery of new information.

What I have learnt this afternoon about the Church of Scientology has added to the sum total of my general knowledge immensely, so I would like to thank the Green member Mr Hague for his very interesting presentation on the Church of Scientology.

The speech on



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